Wildlife Control Services in the City of Hamilton


Squirrel Control Services in Hamilton

Welcome to Hamilton, known for its vibrant community, rich history, and, unfortunately, a growing population of squirrels. These furry critters undoubtedly add to the natural charm of Hamilton’s urban landscape, but sometimes they can become a problem. That’s where our expert squirrel control service company comes in. We are committed to providing humane wildlife control, ensuring professional and humane animal removal services. Request a same-day quote for your wildlife removal. Hamilton needs quick and effective service.

We specialize in humane animal removal and have experience dealing with Hamilton’s most common squirrel species, such as the eastern grey squirrel. Among other wildlife removal companies in Hamilton, we stand out for our comprehensive squirrel-proofing solutions and 100% humane approach to wildlife management. Our services cater to residential and commercial properties, ensuring that homes, businesses, and other facilities receive quality solutions for effective and stress-free wildlife control. With our help, you can maintain the perfect balance between enjoying their presence and protecting your property from any nuisance they may cause.

The Squirrel Population in Hamilton

Like many cities in Ontario, Hamilton has its share of nuisance wildlife problems. The city’s squirrel population is notable, with baby squirrels being born twice a year, adding to the already significant number of squirrels living here. Squirrels have adapted to city life, with handy food sources and plenty of places to make their homes. Hamilton has one of the highest densities of squirrels in any major city, making it a unique spot for these speedy little creatures. While some may want to take action by removing squirrels, it’s important to remember how remarkable their adaptability and success in the city truly is.

Why Are There So Many Squirrels in Hamilton?

You might wonder why Hamilton has such a booming squirrel population. The answer lies in the city’s abundant food sources and favourable urban environment. From acorns in parks to leftovers in trash bins, squirrels can access food year-round. The city’s architecture also provides ample nesting sites, allowing squirrels to live and breed comfortably.

Squirrels and Their Impact on Hamilton’s Ecosystem

Hamilton’s ecosystem heavily relies on the presence of squirrels. These adorable creatures help in seed dispersal, leading to an increase in tree and plant growth. However, their impact is not always positive. If left unchecked, squirrels can cause significant damage to your property by chewing through wires, insulation, and even structural wood. Additionally, squirrel droppings can harbour dangerous parasites and pose health risks such as Leptospirosis and Salmonella to humans and animals. It is crucial to prevent squirrels from gaining access to vulnerable areas in your home and promote a healthy coexistence with these furry little critters.

Common Problems Caused by Squirrels

Squirrels are not just cute and harmless animals that gracefully jump through trees. The eastern gray squirrel, for instance, is known for its behavior of nesting in attics, and tree crotches for dens and nests. They can cause several problems and extensive damage that homeowners must deal with. One of the most apparent is the destruction they cause to roof vents, soffit corners, plumbing mats, etc., and once inside, they can chew on electrical wires. They chew through these important components of your house and can cause a major wildlife problem inside your roof. This can also lead to attic insulation removal, fire hazards, and many other issues that can cause costly repairs. As if that wasn’t enough, squirrels can also carry fleas, ticks, and other parasites that pose health risks to humans and pets. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of the potential problems caused by squirrels and take necessary measures to prevent them.

Identifying a Squirrel Infestation

How do you know if you have a squirrel problem? The sound of tiny pitter-pattering feet above your head might cause endless nights of no sleep – and those little scurriers could be squirrels! Identifying a squirrel infestation can be done by keeping an eye out for telltale signs, like chewed materials and droppings, but if you suspect you have attic squirrels, it’s important to call in a wildlife removal service. These nimble critters can wreak havoc on your electrical wiring and weak points in your home’s structure, chew openings in your roof or exhaust vents, causing expensive damage if left unchecked. Don’t let these persistent little creatures get the better of you – take action as soon as you suspect a squirrel infestation!

Preventive Measures to Avoid Squirrel Infestations

Squirrels may be cute but can be quite destructive once they enter your home. To avoid the hassle of dealing with a squirrel infestation, it’s best to take preventative measures. A thorough inspection by a reputable wildlife control service like Squirrel Control Hamilton can help identify potential entry points, weak points, and vulnerable areas. From there, you can seal any gaps or openings in your roof, walls, and foundation. Installing screens or one-way doors can also help keep squirrels out. Don’t forget to manage food sources by tightly sealing trash bins and avoiding leaving pet food outside. Lastly, trim tree branches close to your home to make it more difficult for squirrels to gain access. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Rather than just closing the existing hole, animal-proofing your home with preventative measures will increase your chances that your wildlife issues are resolved. For professional and humane solutions, consider Squirrel Control Services, known for their excellent customer service and effective approach.

Our Squirrel Control Services

We offer a comprehensive range of squirrel control services to address your needs. Our commercial pest control services provide comprehensive solutions for residential and commercial properties, demonstrating our expertise in servicing a wide range of clients. From an initial thorough inspection to humane wildlife removal services and damage repair, our experienced professionals use safe and effective methods to ensure your home remains squirrel-free. By utilizing professional wildlife control services, we prioritize the well-being of the animals while effectively protecting your property.

Squirrel Control Service using a One-Way Door
Squirrel Control Service using a One-Way Door
Squirrel Control Prevention Services on Roof Vent
Squirrel Control Prevention Services on Roof Vent

The Process of Squirrel Removal

Our squirrel removal process begins with a thorough inspection of your property. We identify possible entry points and assess the extent of the infestation. We pride ourselves on prompt service, ensuring quick response times and immediate scheduling for pest inspections and treatments. We then install one-way doors for the adult squirrel to exit. Using humane methods, we safely remove the squirrel babies from your attic space during baby season. Post-removal, we secure and seal entry points to prevent future infestations and repair any damage caused.

Repairing Squirrel Damage

Squirrel damage can vary from gnawed wires to significant structural harm. Our repair services cover all types of damage, ensuring your home is restored to its original state. We replace damaged insulation, fix chewed wires, and repair any structural damage, providing a comprehensive solution to your squirrel problems.

Why Choose Our Wildlife Control Service?

Choosing the right humane squirrel removal services is crucial. Our expertise extends to quickly and efficiently removing unwanted wildlife, ensuring your property remains secure against future intrusions. Our team stands out in the pest control industry with experienced professionals dedicated to humane and effective squirrel removal. We also specialize in residential pest control, targeting common household pest issues to protect your home from future infestations. We pride ourselves on our customer-centric approach, ensuring you receive the best service possible. Don’t just take our word for it; our satisfied customers speak for our exceptional service quality.

The Importance of Humane Wildlife Control

Humane wildlife control services are at the heart of our operations. We believe in ethical practices that prioritize the well-being of animals. Our humane methods ensure the safe removal of squirrels and prevent unnecessary harm. This approach benefits the animals and the ecosystem, promoting a harmonious coexistence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can you remove squirrels? We typically respond to squirrel removal requests within 24 hours. The wildlife removal process depends on the infestation’s severity but usually takes a few days.

Are your methods safe for pets? Absolutely! Our wildlife control services are designed to be safe for all pets and family members. We use humane methods, install one-way doors, and use non-toxic materials. Squirrels exit when they need water or food or if their squirrel babies are removed, put outside, and locked out.

How can I prevent future infestations? Regular maintenance and securing potential entry points are key. We also offer preventive services to help keep your home squirrel-free.

What should I do if I see a squirrel in my attic? If you spot a squirrel in your attic, it’s best to contact us immediately. Avoid handling the situation alone, as squirrels can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

Do you offer services for other wildlife? We provide control services for wild animals, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, bats, and birds. We can also retrieve dead animals from your property. Contact us for more information on our full range of services.


Hamilton’s charm is partly due to its bustling squirrel population. However, when these furry friends invade our homes, they can cause significant problems. Our squirrel control services are designed to address these issues effectively and humanely. By choosing our professional team, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – a squirrel-friendly Hamilton and a squirrel-free home.

Contact Information

Ready to take action? Contact us today to schedule an inspection and take the first step toward a squirrel-free home. We proudly serve Hamilton and the surrounding areas, ensuring our community remains a wonderful place to live.

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