Squirrel Pest Control in Southern Ontario

The Art of Controlling Squirrels on Your Property

Squirrels may be cute to watch as they scurry around your yard, but when tree squirrels decide to take up residence in your home or garden, they can become quite the nuisance. In Southern Ontario, where both urban and suburban areas offer plenty of food and shelter, squirrel infestations are not uncommon. To get rid of squirrels, managing these furry invaders requires a blend of knowledge, patience, and humane methods.

Understanding Squirrels in Southern Ontario

Before diving into control methods, it’s essential to understand the type of squirrels you’re dealing with. The most common species in Southern Ontario are the Eastern Gray Squirrel and the Red Squirrel. Ground squirrels, which are different from tree squirrels, are typically found in open fields and grasslands. They are known for their burrowing habits and tend to live in colonies, unlike the solitary tree squirrels. Eastern gray squirrels are common pests in residential areas, often invading attics and causing structural damage. These creatures are highly adaptable, and known for their agility and persistence in finding food and shelter.

Squirrels typically build nests, known as dreys, in trees or attics, using leaves, twigs, and other soft materials. The flying squirrel, known for its nocturnal nature and gliding abilities, can also be a concern. They are particularly active during the early morning and late afternoon, which is when you’re most likely to spot them. Flying squirrels can cause significant damage when they enter homes, often using small cracks in eaves and soffits for access. Understanding their behavior, like storing food for winter or gnawing on objects to maintain their teeth, can help you anticipate their actions and control their presence effectively.

The fox squirrel, a large species within the tree squirrel family, can grow from 19 to 29 inches long. Fox squirrels prefer specific habitats such as oak, pine, and mixed forests, differentiating them from other squirrel species.

Signs of Squirrel Infestation

Detecting a squirrel infestation early can save you from more significant damage down the line. Common signs include:

  • Noises: If you hear scratching, scurrying, or gnawing sounds coming from your attic or walls, especially during the early morning or late afternoon, it’s a likely indication of squirrel activity.
  • Droppings and Chewed Wires: Squirrels leave behind droppings similar to those of rats, and they often chew on wires, insulation, and wood, which can pose serious safety hazards.
  • Nests: Discovering nests made of leaves and twigs in your attic or near your home is a clear sign that squirrels have moved in.

Risks Associated with Squirrel Infestation

While squirrels may seem harmless, their presence in your home can lead to several issues:

  • Structural Damage: Squirrels have strong teeth that can gnaw through wood, insulation, and even electrical wires, leading to expensive repairs and potential fire hazards.
  • Health Risks: Squirrels can carry parasites like ticks and fleas, and their droppings may harbor harmful bacteria and pathogens.
  • Garden Damage: Squirrels are notorious for digging up bulbs, eating young plants, and raiding bird feeders, which can disrupt your gardening efforts.

The best way to deal with a squirrel problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are some steps to squirrel-proof your property:

  • Securing Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps, holes, or weak spots where squirrels can gain entry. This includes vents, chimneys, and rooflines. Seal any openings with durable materials like metal mesh or heavy-duty caulk.
  • Proper Waste Management: Keep your garbage secured in tightly closed bins and avoid leaving pet food or birdseed outside, as these are prime attractants for squirrels.
  • Landscaping Tips: Trim tree branches that hang close to your home to prevent squirrels from accessing your roof. Planting squirrel-repelling plants like daffodils or hyacinths can also help.

Humane Squirrel Trapping and Relocation

If squirrels have already moved in, humane squirrel removal through trapping and relocating them is a humane way to handle the situation. Here’s how:

Squirrel Removal Toronto, Squirrel Removal Services
Squirrel Removal Toronto, Squirrel Removal Services
  • Humane Traps: Use live traps that allow you to capture squirrels without harming them. Place these traps in areas where squirrel activity is frequent, such as near entry points or along their routes.
  • Legal Considerations: In Southern Ontario, it’s essential to check local regulations regarding the trapping and relocation of wildlife. Some areas require permits, and there are often restrictions on where you can release squirrels.
  • Best Practices for Release: When relocating a squirrel, ensure that you release it at least 10 kilometers away from your property in a suitable habitat like a forested area. This helps prevent the squirrel from returning.

Using Squirrel Repellents

Repellents can be an effective part of your squirrel control strategy:

  • Natural Repellents: These include substances like peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, or vinegar, which squirrels find unpleasant. Spraying these around potential entry points can deter squirrels.
  • Chemical Repellents: These are commercially available products that emit a scent or taste that squirrels dislike. While effective, they need to be reapplied regularly.
  • Ultrasonic Devices: These gadgets emit high-frequency sounds that are supposed to deter squirrels and other pests. However, their effectiveness can vary, and they may not work in all situations.

Professional Squirrel Control Services

Sometimes, a squirrel infestation is too severe for DIY methods, and professional squirrel removal in Toronto is crucial to address infestations and prevent damage to homes:

Squirrel Removal Cost

  • Removal: One-Way Door, Trapping
  • Repair: Shingles, Vents, Soffit
  • Prevention: Reinforce Vulnerable Areas
  • When to Call a Professional: If you’ve tried traps and repellents without success, or if you’re dealing with multiple squirrels or extensive property damage, it’s time to call in the experts.
  • What to Expect: A professional squirrel pest control service will inspect your property, identify entry points, and use a combination of traps, exclusion devices, and repellents to remove the squirrels and prevent future infestations.
  • Costs: The cost of professional squirrel removal varies based on the extent of the infestation and the methods used but expect to pay between $200 and $500 for comprehensive service.

DIY Squirrel Control Tips

For those who prefer a hands-on approach, here are some DIY tips:

  • Homemade Deterrents: Mix cayenne pepper with water and spray it around your home’s perimeter. You can also use ammonia-soaked rags as a temporary deterrent in areas where squirrels are active.
  • Squirrel Trap: Use a squirrel trap by placing it along well-traveled paths and areas of foraging. Ensure you follow local trapping regulations and consider the relocation distance for captured squirrels.
  • Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders: Install bird feeders with squirrel-proof designs, such as those with weight-sensitive mechanisms that close off access to squirrels.
  • Exclusion Devices: These are one-way doors or funnels that allow squirrels to exit your home but not re-enter. They’re particularly useful when you’ve already sealed other entry points.

Repairing Squirrel Damage

Once you’ve removed the squirrels, repairing the damage they caused is crucial:

  • Structural Repairs: Patch up any holes or gaps in your home’s exterior and replace chewed wires or damaged insulation to prevent future infestations.
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting: Squirrel nests and droppings can harbor diseases, so it’s important to clean and disinfect affected areas thoroughly. Wear protective gear to avoid exposure to contaminants.
  • Restoring Gardens: If squirrels have damaged your garden, replanting and using protective barriers like netting or fencing can help your plants recover.

Long-Term Squirrel Prevention Strategies

To ensure squirrels don’t return, adopt these long-term prevention strategies:

  • Regular Inspections: Periodically check your home and property for new entry points or signs of squirrel activity.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Keep trees trimmed, waste properly managed, and entry points sealed. Regular maintenance is key to preventing squirrels from finding a way in.
  • Community Effort: Educating your neighbors about squirrel control can help create a squirrel-free neighborhood, reducing the likelihood of new infestations.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

When dealing with wildlife, it’s important to balance control efforts with ethical considerations:

  • Local Wildlife Protection Laws: Familiarize yourself with the laws in Southern Ontario regarding the treatment and relocation of squirrels. This ensures your methods are legal and humane.
  • Ethical Squirrel Control: Aim to use humane methods that prioritize the well-being of the squirrels, such as live trapping and relocation, over lethal means. When you need to remove squirrels, ensure you seal entry points to prevent future issues.
  • Balancing Human and Wildlife Needs: Understand that squirrels are part of the ecosystem. The goal is to manage their presence without causing harm, ensuring a balance between human habitation and wildlife preservation.

Seasonal Squirrel Control

Squirrel behavior changes with the seasons, so your control methods should adapt accordingly:

  • Spring and Summer: Focus on repairing entry points and removing food sources as squirrels are more active during these seasons.
  • Fall Preparation: As squirrels prepare for winter, they may be more determined to find shelter. Enhance your preventive measures to deter them during this time.
  • Winter Strategies: Ensure your home is well-sealed, as squirrels seeking warmth may attempt to enter during colder months.

Success Stories: Case Studies of Squirrel Control

Learning from others’ experiences can be invaluable. Here are some real-life examples:

  • Case Study 1: A homeowner successfully used exclusion devices and squirrel-proof bird feeders to eliminate a persistent squirrel problem in their attic.
  • Case Study 2: Another property owner combined humane traps with landscaping modifications to keep squirrels out of their garden permanently.
  • Case Study 3: A family in a suburban area reduced squirrel damage by educating their neighbors and implementing community-wide prevention strategies.


Squirrel control in Southern Ontario requires a thoughtful and humane approach. By understanding squirrel behavior, taking preventive measures, and using a mix of DIY and professional methods, you can protect your property while coexisting with these lively creatures. Remember, the key to success is persistence and vigilance.


  1. How do I know if I have a squirrel infestation?
  • Listen for noises, look for droppings, and inspect your attic or garden for nests. These are clear signs of squirrel activity.
  1. What’s the best way to trap a squirrel?
  • Use a humane live trap baited with nuts or seeds. Place it near areas of high squirrel activity. For effective removing squirrels, consider hiring experienced technicians who can ensure proper wildlife control and provide preventive measures to deter squirrels from accessing bird feeders.
  1. Are squirrel repellents effective?
  • They can be, especially when combined with other methods. Natural repellents and ultrasonic devices work best as part of a comprehensive control strategy.
  1. How much does professional squirrel removal cost?
  • Professional services typically cost between $300 and $750 for one or two visits, depending on the extent of the infestation and the methods used.
  1. Can I legally relocate a squirrel in Southern Ontario?
  • Yes, but check local regulations for specific guidelines on trapping and relocation to ensure compliance with wildlife protection laws.
Toronto Squirrel Control Services, Squirrel Removal in the Greater Toronto Area
Toronto Squirrel Control Services, Squirrel Removal in the Greater Toronto Area

Top Ways to Effectively Get Rid of Rats

How Can We Get Rid of Rats for Good?

Got rats? Discover how we can get rid of rats efficiently. Our guide provides steps to identify infestations, seal entry points, and use traps for a rat-free home.


  • Preventing rats from entering homes involves sealing all entry points, proper food storage, and eliminating water sources.
  • Effective outdoor rat control includes maintaining a clean yard, removing clutter and food attractants, and setting traps strategically.
  • Professional help should be sought for large or persistent infestations, as DIY methods may not be sufficient to completely eradicate rat problems.

Identifying Rat Infestations

Illustration of rat droppings and gnaw marks

Identifying a rat infestation is critical as the first measure in managing this problem. Rats are adept at keeping hidden, and their existence might not be detected until there’s a significant issue. To ascertain if you have rats, search for definitive evidence including:

  • feces
  • bite marks
  • footprints
  • burrows

Along with these indicators, noises such as scampering and scratching within wall cavities during nighttime can suggest the presence of rats.

A thorough examination is imperative to find where they dwell, move about, and eat.

Common Signs of Rat Activity

Recognizing the presence of rats is crucial for timely and successful rat management. One of the most notable indicators of rat activity is their droppings, which are typically small, dark, and resemble pellets. Additional evidence includes bite marks on items like furniture, electrical wiring, and food containers.

Evidence such as tracks in dusty areas or nests constructed from torn paper, fabric pieces or plant matter should also be noted. Sighting dead rats serves as another confirmation that an area may be infested with these rodents.

Types of Rats

Before initiating a rodent control program, it’s crucial to determine which of the two main rat species has invaded your home: Norway rats or roof rats. The larger Norway rats have an affinity for moist environments such as basements, whereas the smaller roof rats are known to occupy elevated areas like attics and roofs. Recognizing these distinctions is key to effectively addressing the infestation.

Preventing Rats from Entering Your Home

Illustration of sealing entry points to prevent rats

To avert rats from invading your space, the initial step is to block their access to your dwelling. Scrutinize meticulously and plug any potential ingress routes. Remember that openings as tiny as 1.25 cm (1/2 inch) must be sealed since they can easily wriggle through them. Hence, it’s critical to ensure that all gaps larger than 14 inch are secured.

Discouraging rats entails correctly storing food and removing water sources, two key attractions for these pests.

Squirrel Removal Toronto, Squirrel Removal Services
Squirrel Removal Toronto, Squirrel Removal Services

Squirrel Control Services

  • Humane Removal Services
  • Squirrel Control Services
  • Red Squirrel Proofing Services
  • Nest Extraction Services
  • Vent Replacement Services

Seal Entry Points

Rats possess the ability to compress their bodies and fit through gaps as tiny as a dime. To block these exterior access points, employ methods such as caulking, spray foam, or stuffing them with steel wool. Apply caulk around the steel wool to secure it.

For rectifying bigger openings, utilize robust materials like lath screen, metal sheeting or cement. Ensure that sizable apertures in external buildings are covered using weather-resistant and rat-proof substances such as cement or metal sheets.

Proper Food Storage

To deter rats, store food in rodent-proof containers made of materials like plastic, metal or glass that have secure lids. Ensure that pet and bird feed is stored in airtight containers resistant to gnawing to eliminate potential food sources for the pests. Employing bird feeders can assist in keeping feed off the ground and contained.

Eliminate Water Sources

Leaky faucets, faulty irrigation lines, swimming pools that are not well-maintained, and pet water bowls are all common attractants for rats as they provide a source of water. To prevent these rodents from being attracted to your space, make sure to repair any leaking taps or pipes promptly, manage pool maintenance diligently, and regularly clean and dry out the containers used for feeding pets.

Eliminating sources of standing water is vital in order to deter rats and effectively get rid of rat infestations. By removing such attractions, you can help keep your area free from rats.

Outdoor Rat Control Techniques

Maintaining a neat yard by keeping it well-trimmed is crucial for outdoor rat control, as this can deter rats from entering your home. It’s important to eliminate accumulations of wood, brush, debris, compost, as well as dense shrubbery and ivy, which may provide shelter for rats.

Eliminating possible sources of sustenance for these rodents will aid in their prevention. Ensure that any pet food that has been left outside is removed along with fallen fruit or seeds that have spilled. Such measures are key in mitigating the presence of rats.

Yard Maintenance

Rats are attracted to cluttered areas because they offer ideal conditions for:

  • Concealment
  • Rest
  • Building nests
  • Multiplication

By maintaining a space that is devoid of clutter, you can diminish the chances for rats to carry out these activities. Ensuring your environment is tidy and uncluttered serves as a simple yet efficient strategy in deterring rat infestations. Consistent cleaning efforts will aid in eliminating potential refuges and sources of sustenance for these vermin.

To deter rats from reaching your roof, prune tree branches so they stand at least four feet away from both the roof and walls of your house. It’s also advisable to position any compost bins securely at a distance no less than 100 feet from your dwelling. Promptly harvest vegetables or fruits from gardens or orchards when ripe to reduce enticements for rats.

Removing Attractants

Recognizing the elements that draw rats to your outdoor spaces is crucial for warding off invasions. Common lures consist of:

  • Waste from pets
  • Food designated for pets
  • Accumulations of trash
  • Residues on barbecue grills
  • Feeders intended for birds
  • Fruit and nuts left unpicked

To keep rats at bay, it’s advised to compost using a fully sealed tumbling bin situated no less than 100 feet away from your dwelling.

Maintaining cleanliness in places where rodents have frequented is essential to prevent new infestations of rodents and to minimize the spread of diseases they may carry.

Squirrel Removal Cost

  • Removal: One-Way Door, Trapping
  • Repair: Shingles, Vents, Soffit
  • Prevention: Reinforce Vulnerable Areas

Setting Traps to Catch Rats

Trapping rats is an established strategy for capturing these pests. There are different kinds of traps such as snap traps, electronic traps, and live cages designed specifically for this purpose. The most effective means to eliminate rats are considered to be both the snap trap and the electronic variety.

Effective rodent management requires a thorough grasp of rat habits, tactical positioning of your chosen devices, and making adjustments to your trapping tactics should the rodents manage to escape capture.

Snap Traps

Snap traps are a traditional and efficient means to catch rats, renowned for their simplicity and effectiveness when used with properly selected bait and strategically placed. Employ strong-smelling foods like nuts or moldy cheese as bait, ensuring the portions are minimal and well-placed in the center to stop rats from stealing it without being trapped.

Electronic Traps

Electronic rat traps are equipped with these characteristics:

  • Instant extermination of rats is achieved through a high-voltage shock.
  • There is No need for food bait to attract rats.
  • A single set of batteries has the capacity to eliminate as many as 50 rats.
  • These devices usually feature alert systems that signal when a trap has secured a rat.

Certain models of electronic traps come with Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling them to transmit alerts directly to your smartphone upon capturing a rat.

Live Traps

Rat traps that catch and hold the rodents live permit their removal from premises without resorting to lethal means. This method is particularly appropriate for settings with children or pets, as it avoids killing the rats.

To manage rat populations humanely, it’s vital to regularly monitor live traps. Consistent checking ensures that any trapped rats endure minimal distress during capture.

Using Baits and Poison

Illustration of placing bait stations to control rats

Bait stations can serve as a potent method to manage rat populations by taking advantage of their foraging behavior. They also pose certain hazards. The bait boxes must be strategically positioned to maximize both efficiency and security.

Although rodenticides can exterminate rats, they present substantial dangers not only to humans but also to pets and other wildlife species. Consequently, these substances ought to be employed only when no other options remain.

Bait Stations

To ensure they are tamper-resistant, bait stations ought to be equipped with locks or hidden latches. This practice in rodent control allows for the safe administration of poison specifically to rats, thereby reducing danger to humans and animals that are not intended targets.

The strategic positioning of these bait stations is vital. They need to be situated along the path connecting the rodents’ nesting areas and their food sources.

Poison Baits

Rodenticides that need to be ingested multiple times by rodents over several days can successfully eliminate them. There is a chance that these pests may expire in hard-to-reach areas, resulting in unpleasant odors and potential insect problems.

It’s recommended to continuously provide new bait for a minimum period of 10 days or until there are no longer any indications of rat activity present.

Natural Rat Repellents

Eco-friendly alternatives to chemical solutions for pest control include natural rat deterrents. By integrating certain plants into one’s garden, homeowners can create a barrier that deters rats from invading their living spaces. The use of essential oils such as peppermint and eucalyptus serves as an organic repellent.

Although these approaches may lack the rapid efficacy of glue traps or toxic substances, they provide a more sustainable and less hazardous strategy for managing pests like rats.

Plant-Based Solutions

Incorporating certain plants offers a non-toxic, environmentally friendly approach to keep rats away from homes and gardens. Mint has proven highly effective for repelling rats. Alternatively, using balsam fir oil or scattering small branches can naturally deter rats in problematic areas.

Essential Oils

Natural repellents such as peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils have proven effective in keeping rats at bay from both your home and garden. The potent aroma of peppermint oil is particularly known to deter rats.

Diluting peppermint away in water creating a spray solution for application on garden vegetation can act as a deterrent against rat intrusions.

Cleaning Up After Rats

Illustration of disinfecting contaminated areas after rat infestation

To mitigate health hazards, cleaning up meticulously following a rat infestation is crucial. It’s advisable to wear rubber or plastic gloves and possibly wear a dust mask to prevent breathing in particulate matter while dealing with rat urine and feces.

Before initiating the cleanup process, ensure that you have aired out the space by opening every door and window for no less than 30 minutes, enhancing air flow and diluting residual smells. Spray either a bleach mixture or an everyday disinfectant on the affected surfaces and allow it to stand for 5 minutes before scrubbing away.

Protective Gear

To diminish the chances of acquiring illnesses such as Hantavirus, Leptospirosis, and Salmonella when faced with rat infestations, it is crucial to wear protective attire. Consider following these guidelines for proper use.

  • Gloves should be worn to shield your hands from making direct touch with surfaces that have been tainted.
  • Employing a mask is advised so as not to breathe in dust potentially laden with dangerous bacteria or viruses.
  • It’s imperative that every piece of protective clothing fits well and remains on throughout any encounter with areas affected by rats.

Disinfecting Contaminated Areas

Liberally apply a household disinfectant or bleach solution to the contaminated space, ensuring it is thoroughly saturated, and allow this to penetrate for 5 minutes to sterilize the area. Following the initial cleaning of any contamination, go over the surface once again with a mop or sponge using your chosen cleaning agent.

You must avoid sweeping or vacuuming up rat droppings, urine, or nesting materials. These actions can propel particles into the air leading to possible inhalation and enhancing chances for spreading contaminants through airborne transmission.

When to Call a Professional

If your do-it-yourself methods fall short in curtailing rat activity, it is advisable to turn to skilled professionals. The recurrence of pest infestations, even after considerable personal attempts at eradication, indicates that the expertise and skills of pest control specialists are necessary. These experts can impart valuable knowledge, implement effective traps and baits, and apply their proficiency to ensure that the issue is thoroughly addressed.

Numerous pest control firms provide a complimentary needs analysis to recognize the specific type of pest involved and formulate an appropriate plan for treatment.

Large Infestations

Professional pest control is typically necessary to effectively handle significant infestations, as do-it-yourself approaches may not be sufficient. When DIY treatments fail to eliminate a pest issue after multiple attempts, it suggests the severity of the problem requires expert intervention.

The assurance that comes with professional pest management can relieve concerns about persistent pests. It guarantees that once addressed, the pest issue will not resurface in just a matter of weeks.

Pest Control Services

Leading pest control firms, such as Terminix and Orkin, provide tailored treatment strategies for a variety of pest infestations. Ehrlich presents its PestFree365 program, which delivers continuous defense against more than 30 varieties of pests throughout the year.

These companies not only rid your residence of rodents, but also offer sustained safeguards to deter subsequent invasions.


Ridding your home of rats requires a multi-faceted approach. From identifying infestations and sealing entry points to setting traps and using natural repellents, each step is crucial in controlling rat populations. Remember, cleanliness and proactive measures are your best defenses against these pests. If the problem persists, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. With determination and the right strategies, you can reclaim your home and ensure it remains rat-free. Take action today and safeguard your home for the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common signs of a rat infestation?

Indicators of a rat infestation typically encompass the presence of droppings, evidence of gnawing, visible tracks, nest sightings, and nocturnal noises such as scampering or scratching emanating from within walls.

It’s critical to respond immediately in order to manage the infestation with efficacy.

How can I prevent rats from entering my home?

In order to deter rats from infiltrating your home, it’s crucial to block their access by sealing off any potential entry points. Keep food stored securely in containers that are proofed against rodents and eradicating any sources of water can aid in preventing rats from making your residence their abode.

Implementing these strategies is effective for ensuring that rats are kept at bay and do not gain entry into your dwelling.

What are the best types of traps for catching rats?

For capturing rats efficiently, you have the option to select from snap traps, electronic traps, and live traps. Opt for whichever aligns best with your specific circumstances.

Are natural repellents effective against rats?

Indeed, rats can be effectively repelled using natural deterrents like mint, peppermint, eucalyptus oils, and balsam fir.

Employ these botanical remedies as a means to naturally deter rats.

When should I call a professional for rat control?

Should your attempts at DIY pest control prove unsuccessful in managing a rat infestation, or if the situation is widespread, engaging the services of a certified pest control company is recommended for efficient resolution.

Toronto Squirrel Control Services, Squirrel Removal in the Greater Toronto Area
Toronto Squirrel Control Services, Squirrel Removal Toronto
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