Squirrel Control Prevention Services on Roof Vent

Case Study: Roof Vent Protection in Brampton

Roof Vent Protection in Brampton

Exterior Inspection

An annoyed homeowner contacted Squirrel Control Services in Brampton after hearing noises coming from the roof vents. The technicians performed a thorough exterior inspection and found that squirrels had chewed through the roof vents to gain entry.

Squirrel Control Service using a One-Way Door
Squirrel Control Service using a One-Way Door
Squirrel Control Prevention Services on Roof Vent
Squirrel Control Prevention Services on Roof Vent

Initial Measures Taken

The team installed heavy-duty steel mesh over all roof vents to prevent further entry and placed a One-Way Door at the main entry point to allow any remaining squirrels to exit. They also inspected the roof for additional entry points.

Squirrel Removal Cost

  • Removal: One-Way Door, Trapping
  • Repair: Shingles, Vents, Soffit
  • Prevention: Reinforce Vulnerable Areas


Once all squirrels were confirmed to be out, the entry points were sealed, and the One-Way Door was removed. The homeowner was satisfied with the thorough and professional service provided by Squirrel Control Services, ensuring their home was protected from future infestations.

Toronto Squirrel Control Services, Squirrel Removal in the Greater Toronto Area
Toronto Squirrel Control Services, Squirrel Removal Toronto
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